3 E27
Filamento LED 2W
Dimensões (cm)
Comprimento hastes 40, 56 e 72
Comprimento total 78
Altura total 36
Canopla Altura 23 x Largura 7
Opções de Personalização: acabamento único (cores).
Modelo em alumínio pintado, lixado ou polido.
2346-3 Comprimento aproximado do rabicho: 1,40m.
Tensão 127V/220V. Uso interno.
Cores Disponíveis
Alumínio Lixado / Brushed aluminum (Rabicho Cristal/Crystal power cord with hand switch)
Alumínio Polido / Polished Aluminum (Rabicho Cristal/Crystal power cord with hand switch)
Areia / Sand (Rabicho Cristal/Crystal power cord with hand switch)
Azul Safira / Sapphire Blue (Rabicho Preto/Black power cord with hand switch)
Azul Turquesa / Turquoise Blue (Rabicho Cristal/Crystal power cord with hand switch)
Branco Fosco / Matte White (Rabicho Cristal/Crystal power cord with hand switch)
Bronze/ Bronze (Rabicho Cristal/Crystal power cord with hand switch)
Café Fosco / Matte Coffee (Rabicho Preto/Black power cord with hand switch)
Castanho / Brown (Rabicho Cristal/Crystal power cord with hand switch)
Champagne Lixado / Bushed Champagne (Rabicho Cristal/Crystal power cord with hand switch)
Champagne Polido / Polished Champagne (Rabicho Cristal/Crystal power cord with hand switch)
Cobre Lixado / Brushed Copper (Rabicho Cristal/Crystal power cord with hand switch)
Cobre Polido / Polished Copper (Rabicho Cristal/Crystal power cord with hand switch)
Dourado Lixado / Brushed Golden (Rabicho Cristal/Crystal power cord with hand switch)
Dourado Mate / Matte Golden (Rabicho Cristal/Crystal power cord with hand switch)
Dourado Polido / Polished Golden (Rabicho Cristal/Crystal power cord with hand switch)
Grafite / Graphite (Rabicho Preto/Black power cord with hand switch)
Menta / Mint (Rabicho Cristal/Crystal power cord with hand switch)
Ônix Lixado / Brushed Onyx (Rabicho Preto/Black power cord with hand switch)
Ônix Polido / Polished Onyx (Rabicho Preto/Black power cord with hand switch)
Preto Fosco / Matte Black (Rabicho Preto/Black power cord with hand switch)
Rose / Rose (Rabicho Cristal/Crystal power cord with hand switch)
Assinada por:
Foto 2: CASACOR ESPÍRITO SANTO - Suíte do Casal / Projeto - Renzo Cerqueira / Foto - Camila Santos | Foto 4: CASACOR, Curitiba - PR, 2017 / Ambiente - Suíte da Moça / Projeto - Michele Krauspenhar Arquitetura / Foto - Marcelo Stammer