Silvia Maria Carneiro de Campos is an architect specializing in Lighting Design and Interior Design. Born in São Paulo, she is an advocate for the Dark Sky Association in Brazil and President of the Light Pollution Committee of the Brazilian Astronomy Union (UBA). With her research on lighting, she studies the environmental impacts that artificial light causes to humans and nature, aiming to raise awareness and propose more ecological alternatives to such issues.

Her company works with sustainability and ESG projects.

Raízes Collection – Baniwa Family

Inspired by Bruno Munari’s work, “Things are born from things,” Silvia Carneiro transforms indigenous utensils into lamps. The Baniwa Ethnic Group is located in the Rio Negro, in the Amazon, and collects Arumã palms from its banks. The fibers are treated and dyed with natural dyes, such as annatto for the red color and soot from torches and bonfires for the black dye. The baskets are decorated with graphic symbols of the Baniwa culture and are used in the community for collecting fruits and roots, processing and storing food, and serving. It is a circular economy project that provides an important source of income for the village.

Silvia Carneiro